I've Got a Secret...

So "The Trapping" is available today on Amazon in paperback and ebook format! And... the paperback giveaway drawing is tomorrow. There's still a chance to enter!

But I have a confession to make. I've been keeping a secret about this book. Some of you might pick up on it if you read the dedication.

I did not start writing this book to just be creepy and fun. I started writing it because, over the years, I've noticed that people that haven't thoroughly experienced injustice with respect to how they are perceived, have a very hard time imagining what it would be like.

Now, I've always been a story-writer. From the moment I could string together misspelt words into quasi-comprehensive sentences, I was writing.

I also have always been a huge believer in the power of words, characters and stories to evoke feeling and change.

Don't misunderstand me. Walter Higgins doesn't just exist to spread a message. He exists because this is his story.  None of us live our stories with the sole purpose of inspiring others. But if we do inspire - doesn't it make those stories that much more worth the pain?

Please leave a comment below! I would love to hear about a time you or yours were treated unjustly and what positives came out of that situation.

Happy Friday everybody! Be strong, be brave, and surround yourselves with people who will fight alongside you for good and right - always.

Kindle Edition HERE

Paperback Edition HERE


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